Medical Devices

Memory components of all kinds have been used in medical technology applications for decades.
While the use of memory in many industries has only emerged in the last 10-15 years, flash and SRAM technologies have been used in medical technology since the 1990s.
The requirements in medical technology are very high, especially regarding long-term availability. Product lifecycles of 10 or more years are not uncommon and pose immense challenges for the particularly fast-moving memory business. Selecting the correct technologies and manufacturers before launching a product is essential.
As of today, SRAM and 5V NOR Flash products are still widely used in medical technology, but their availability poses new challenges for medical OEMs and their manufacturers. Newer products also rely on more modern technologies, such as DDR2 or DDR3 and eMMC memory. Special care must be taken when selecting components with these long-term requirement timeframes. As an example, the high-performance requirements of diagnostic systems have often been met with synchronous RAM, but as this technology ages, fewer memory manufacturers support or produce it.
Memphis can provide customers with valuable information related to the selection of both memory technologies and manufacturers.Memory components of all kinds have been used in medical technology applications for decades.
Typical applications of storage solutions in medical technology include imaging ultrasound devices (echography), imaging endoscopes, patient monitoring displays, and ventilators.