7 Memory News and a Farewell

The Semiconductor Supply Chain is gaining top-level attention. Following the events during the pandemic and the current tense relationships with China, the leaders of the G7 states have announced plans to establish a group dedicated to semiconductor supply chains. With the chips acts across the globe, this move is another indication that governments acknowledge the importance of the semiconductor industry.

At the same time, efforts continue to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing industry as a whole. And while regulation is still very much in flux, we receive more and more questions about PFAs and their use in memory components. Since the EU committees met in mid-June to discuss further details of the plans for its regulation, we thought now was a good time to raise this topic and start informing about it.

However, on a day-to-day basis, the plans of the big three memory manufacturers to discontinue DDR3 components have a more immediate impact on the industry. Although the technology might seem old - considering that GDDR7 components are planned to go into mass production later this year - they are still widely used in a variety of applications.

As we also hear about DDR4 components being discontinued in 2025 it’s high time to look at alternatives and sort out options. With 18 memory manufacturers in our linecard, we are sure to find an adequate alternative for your design and don’t miss our 5 tips on how to navigate discontinuations in our industry.

We are ending this month’s newsletter with a bit of a sad story. While we celebrate the 56th anniversary of DRAM, we had to say goodbye to its inventor, Robert Dennard just a few weeks back. But still, we wanted to honor his contribution to our world.

Enjoy the read and reach out if you have any questions.

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